

Design a website that makes online shopping an easy and enjoyable experience. Mirror is a clothing store serving as an affordable and fashionable option for women over a well-branded and reliable e-commerce website.

My contribution

Product strategy User research Product design Branding

The team





Through market research, competitive analysis, and interviews I was able to validate the assumption that online shoppers would help make up the target audience. I was also able to discover the pains points and goals of online shoppers and understand users’ thought process when making decisions while online shopping.

Costumers wanted these specific items from e-commerce websites;

  • easy-to-use experience
  • accurate in-depth information about products/services
  • big and clear images that include small details
  • reliable reviews and rating
  • easy checkout process
  • ability to find customer service contact information

Defining the Goals and the User

Just as it’s imperative to take into account the user goals, it’s important to understand the details and scope of the business goals (often, with an overlap between the two). I’ve created a Venn Diagram of the user and business goals to brainstorm these goals and to further help inspire design decisions.

Creating a sitemap enabled me to understand where and how each feature and page would function together on the site. Once the structure of the site was mapped out, it was possible to create a user flow to start bringing the project to life.

The user flow shows the possible paths Jane can take with browsing through Mirror’s site.

Visual Design

This UI kit shows the main elements of the existing visual design. The design’s colors only include black and white, but the images are vibrant and colorful. The images are supposed to bring a bold and fun personality to Mirror. The logo creation was an iterative process, starting with sketches. The O is supposed to symbolize a mirror, and the R before and after the O are a reflection of each other. The clear buttons make flows easy and clear.


After creating a high-fidelity prototype, I was able to do usability testing. Users were able to go through the flow of Mirror and experience online shopping.

The main objectives of the usability testing was;

  • Test if users found it easy to navigate through the site
  • Test the speed and efficiency to reach checkout process
  • Determine if users found it easy to find information about a specific product
  • Discover any paint points, frustrations or errors

Then, I created an affinity map based off the usability test results. The common themes served as the key findings, which were organized by category. This map helped determine which priority revisions were made to the screens and prototype for an improved user experience.


An e-commerce website that makes online shopping an easy and enjoyable experience.

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